Hispanic Community Leaders Advocate for Inclusive and Effective Clean Hydrogen Rules to Benefit Hispanic Communities

The National Hispanic Energy Council (NHEC) has submitted formal comments to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding the proposed rulemaking for the clean hydrogen production credit (45V), as established by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. In the letter, which can be found below, NHEC highlights the potential negative impact of the proposed regulations on clean hydrogen investments, job creation, and the decarbonization of heavy industries, all of which could disproportionately affect Hispanic communities across the United States. NHEC strongly urges the IRS to revise the proposed regulations to support a lower carbon future, be more inclusive of current and future offtake arrangements and technologies, and align with the language under the IRA, ensuring that the benefits of clean hydrogen are accessible to all communities.

To read the letter, click here. 


About The National Hispanic Energy Council
The National Hispanic Energy Council (NHEC) The National Hispanic Energy Council is founded on the principle of fair and equitable energy for all Americans, driven by the urgent need to reduce the 20% higher energy burden Hispanic families pay compared to the median American family. Drawing on expertise from across the economy and Hispanic community, we exist to fill a void in advocacy: a voice for energy policies that helps Hispanic families, businesses and entrepreneurs. The Council is building a bipartisan coalition of leaders of Hispanic groups across the country and exists to educate elected officials, policymakers and the Hispanic public on what good energy policy choices look like.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855